Bring on the fabulous. I’m ready.

This morning I walked to the subway and my whole path was sprinkled with red glitter. Somehow, this seems even more fabulous than a red carpet walk. Surely glitter is a harbinger of some unutterable amazingness, something so fine a red carpet just wouldn’t do … But at the Atlantic Avenue subway station? Guess I’ll just have to trust.


Stop by Two Writing Teachers for the rest of today’s slices.

SOL image 2014

(Don’t be cross.  I know that’s the most pathetic excuse for a post as you could ever see, but I’m ridiculously tired.  I promise a more respectable offering tomorrow … or at least a longer one.)

15 thoughts on “Bring on the fabulous. I’m ready.

  1. I love this! Why is there never any red glitter outside my front door?? I particular adore this: “Surely glitter is a harbinger of some unutterable amazingness” – great words!


  2. Embrace the glitter…finding little peaks of beauty in your day is what makes for a happy one. It would be fun to write stories of how it got there in the first place! Or a poem….hmmmm?


  3. I hate glitter! But then I read your post and there was a split-second that I wished I could have seen it myself. That I was actually convinced it was better than a carpet. Definitely not a pathetic post.


  4. And RED glitter!! Could there be any color of glitter more promising of excitement?

    This has just reminded me last night I dreamed we lived in NYC and were walking around thinking how lucky we were. 🙂


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