
So, I had my I’m all that moment yesterday … but I also had my comeuppance. I came home to the news that I wasn’t accepted into a writing residency I’d hoped to attend this summer. And, while it’s true that I pretty much never expect to be accepted … this time was different. I thought I’d put together a super strong application, that the reviewers would be completely turned on by my submission and scoop me up with the quickness.

Yeah. Not so much.

I know it’s not as terrible as it feels. They get plenty of submissions. What I write isn’t going to appeal to everyone. I know. I get it.


The answer, of course, is to keep working, to keep pushing forward, keep submitting my work. I know that. I know it.

And I’m fine. I don’t even need to lick my wounds. I’m actually fine.


I’d been so looking forward to that gift of time. Hanging so much on having that time.

The thing is … I still have that time. Of course. What this rejection takes from me is that particular space. The time is still mine. So I keep my plan to take off from work this summer, and I create an at-home retreat … or I set up a replay of my 2012 DIY retreat, that beautiful gift I gave myself of two weeks in Tulum with nothing to do but write.

I already know these answers. There is always time to write. I just have to take it.

And move on to the next application, the next submission, the next.

It’s the 10th annual Slice of Life Story Challenge!
Head over to Two Writing Teachers to see all of today’s slices

10 thoughts on “Sigh.

  1. mrssurridge

    I can imagine your disappointment. You are right–the time is still yours, but when you are able to leave real life and just focus on one thing, it’s easier to focus on that one thing. All I can say is “keep trying”! The time will be right (hopefully) one of these years.


  2. Keep persevering. It’s disappointing when we don’t get something we REALLY want.
    I hope you’ll post a Slice about your own DYI retreat. I’d love to hear how you structure it and maybe do it myself this summer.


    1. I loved the DIY retreat I did in 2012. It was the first time I’d made a conscious decision to make a vacation about writing. I’d certainly gone on vacations in the past during which I’d gotten some writing done, but that was different. The writing was a nice side benefit of the rest and relaxation. Being intentional about focusing on my writing worked out super well for me on that 2012 trip. I look forward to doing it again!


    1. In 2012, I rented an apartment for two weeks in Tulum, Mexico. It was a great experience. And I’m realizing that I never wrote about it, so I think that will be my next slice! Thanks for the inspiration! 🙂


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