Tick Tock (SOLSC 9)

I just read The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker.  In it, there is a lot of attention paid to the idea of living on “clock time” — the 24-hour day we know and love — versus “real time” — ignoring the clock and letting daylight and darkness set our schedules.  In the world-turned-on-its-head of that novel, these things have a significance I hope to never have to consider.  In the world-turned-on-its-head of my actual life, time is still a fiction.  After I hit “publish” on this post, I’m going to stroll around my house pushing all of my clocks an hour ahead even though time won’t be changing at all.  The idea of Daylight Savings Time is just weird to me.  Weird, weird, weird.  Wouldn’t it make so much more sense to follow the sun?  I know governments and business owners have invested a lot of time and energy into convincing us of the powerful, logical reasons for DST and the adherence to clock time, but really: spring ahead, fall back?  Nonsense.

Besides, think of all the things I could do with that hour!


You can find less cranky slices at Two Writing Teachers


(Couldn’t resist.  Always loved this one.)

12 thoughts on “Tick Tock (SOLSC 9)

  1. Paul

    I saw a documentary a while back about the negative health effects of artificial light, particularly for people who work night shifts. This is a great but relatively un-talked about example of a technological society’s detachment from nature. We need to stick to the normal biorhythms as much as possible.


  2. When my husband started talking about the time change, I just get irritated. As a teacher, I relish sleeping in on the weekend and that audacity to actually TAKE one of those precious hours…UGH! Instead, I am sitting here..looking at my clock. So annoying…I’m with you!


  3. Traveling across time zones, including the International Date Line, will really mess with your sense of time. Recently I went from Bali to San Francisco via Seoul (with a long layover), and that Tuesday lasted 40 (!) clock hours, with the bizarre experience of leaving Seoul at 4 p.m. and arriving in California at 9 a.m. THE SAME DAY. A week later, when I flew from California to New York, the day only lasted 21 hours for me — the 3-hour time difference between the West and East Coasts evaporated during the flight.


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