To Bake or Not to Bake …

That is always the question in my kitchen. The answer is often a resounding, “Yes!” … but then I run into my nemesis: not enough time. It’s 10:10pm … and I’m just getting my act together to think about the baking?! Oy.

I did some baking around Christmas and New Year’s and then a little more last month. And, now that I’ve been being more intentional about cooking for myself, I’ve been doing more baking, too. I discovered a yummy recipe for nutmeg muffins, and I’ve made them a few times. I even made a batch a mini ones to bring to work for sharing. I’ve made two different kinds of biscuits (and both were delicious), and a couple of loaves of carrot-almond bread.  There are a lot of recipes I want to try. I haven’t yet made my mom’s bread — my favorite bread recipe because the bread is delicious and sturdy enough for sandwiches … and it sparks all kinds of memories from my forever-ago youth and my mom’s baking.

Tonight is going to be about cookies. I have a meeting tomorrow and I want to bring something to share. I’ve settled on chocolate chip. I know that’s pretty ordinary, but I realized when I was picking through my recipes that I’ve actually never made chocolate chip cookies before. Never. How is that possible? Even that crazy year when I made 31 dozen cookies, not a single one was chocolate chip. I mean, I even made cookies with rosemary and red wine that year, and not anything as regular as chocolate chip!

I sure hope they turn out okay. It goes against my usual behavior to bake something for the first time for someone other than myself. I like to test out a recipe first before sharing it with others — I have to know it’s good, after all. What if the recipe needs tweaking? Better to discover that on my own, not with company … I’ll never forget the time I swapped the amount of sugar for salt when making cupcakes for dessert when we had company over for dinner! The Horror!

Are you a baker? What do you like to bake? And who do you bake for? And, if you’re not a baker but a taster, what are your favorite baked things? And who bakes them for you?

It’s the 10th annual Slice of Life Story Challenge!

Head over to Two Writing Teachers to see all of today’s slices!

6 thoughts on “To Bake or Not to Bake …

  1. Rosemary and red wine cookies sound very interesting! I have never heard of that before! I LOVE to bake. I enjoy baking cookies and trying out different types of banana bread. I also love to make zucchini bread! Sometimes, I look up the recipes that are “skinny” or healthy alternatives to make too. I like to bake for my family (and myself too). Good luck with your chocolate chip cookies! 🙂


    1. The rosemary and red wine cookies were weird, but not bad. The chocolate chips I made were much better! And I love banana bread … and zucchini bread, too! Thanks for the reminder. I’ll have to find a good recipe for both! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I am more a savory cooker than a baker, even though I love the results of baking. And since I stopped working full-time and didn’t have a regular place to take the half left after the two of us had had our share, I’ve avoided baking, I don’t want us to be the only ones eating the cookies or sweet breads or pies, and now there is only one, so even more reason not to have a whole carrot cake or cookies lying around. I do have a really good carrot cake recipe, from a recipe collection out of my daughter’s day-care center. When she was young, we made brownies a lot, but that was mostly her father and her.

    I do have a recipe for a delicious rum cake from a friend that I am looking forward to trying for the next group potluck coming up — all I need is a bundt pan.


  3. I used to be a baker. I have not picked it up again since I moved. I too seem to think seriously about it in the late night when I have absolutely no time to devote to such. I keep oscillating twixt sweet potato pie or an old fashioned cobbler as my first foray back into sweeter side of the oven.


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