Decisions, decisions …

I think I’ve made my poetry month choice! I think I’d made my choice a few days ago, but I needed to let it percolate a bit. And the winner is …

The Triolet!

This is a rhyming form, and I really struggle with rhyming forms. This forever struggle is, of course, the reason so many of the forms I’ve chosen over the years have rhyme schemes. This one has lots of repetition, too, which adds to the difficulty, but also pleases me, as I love repetition in poems.

I’ve read a bunch of them over the last week. The one that sealed the deal for me was Sandra McPherson’s poem, which wowed me. The way she used the repeated lines is so great.


She was in love with the same danger
everybody is. Dangerous
as it is to love a stranger,
she was in love. With that same danger
an adulteress risks a husband’s anger.
Stealthily death enters a house:
she was in love with that danger.
Everybody is dangerous.

Every time I read it, I get a little frisson of … fascination, wonder, awe. I don’t know if I have any triolets in me, but I’m going to spend April trying to find out.

Will some of you be writing poems next month? Will you share them online?

It’s the 17th annual Slice of Life Story Challenge!
Head on over to Two Writing Teachers
and see what the rest of this year’s slicers are up to!

Original Slicer - GirlGriot

6 thoughts on “Decisions, decisions …

  1. Congratulations on making your choice. I like the fact that you are challenging yourself in picking a format that contains elements you feel are not your strongest suit. I am sure you will rock this. Good luck.


  2. I’ve done VERY LITTLE poetry writing in the past few years. If I get a few written next month, I’ll consider it a success.

    I’ve never heard of a triolet before. Sounds awesome! (Why haven’t I heard of it?)


    1. I hadn’t heard of it, either. But what I’ve discovered since I started focusing on poetic forms is that there are so MANY forms! Who knew? Where did they all come from? Happy to stumbled on the triolet. We’ll see how it goes. 😊


  3. Lainie Levin

    This DOES look fascinating! I’ll be poem-ing in April, but I don’t quite know what I’m going to do with myself or my work.

    You could say I’ve been a bit of a commitment-phobe when it comes to my relationship with writing lately.

    So…poems, yes! Structure and discipline…<<shuffles feet>>

    I’ll be watching and reading and rooting for you!

    Liked by 1 person

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