So not worthy … at least not lately!

The wonderfully intelligent and talented Zetta at Fledgling was kind enough to give me a Superior Scribbler award last month, and I’m finally getting around to passing it on. I’ve been so offline lately, I hardly deserve this award, but I’m taking it as incentive, something to get me back to work. Thanks, Zetta!


This time around, I feel like following the rules, but that certainly doesn’t mean anyone else needs to follow them.  You know how ambivalent I am about these things.

The rules:

  • Each Scribbler must link to the awarding author & blog.
  • Each Scribbler must display The Award and link to the post that got it all started.
  • Each Scribbler must visit said post and join the Mr. Linky List to keep the list of Scribblers current.
  • Each Scribbler must post these rules.
  • Each Scribbler must pass The Award on to 5 equally deserving bloggers.

So I’m paying this bit of blog love forward to some truly Superior Scribblers:

  1. Alejna at Collecting Tokens
  2. Jay at Ill Doctrine
  3. Maggie and all who have shared their stories at Violence Unsilenced
  4. Tami at What Tami Said
  5. Everyone writing at Racialicious

5 thoughts on “So not worthy … at least not lately!

    1. Maggie, you are never a bad blogger. I was thinking of you Friday when we had our third annual DV symposium at work. It was really well attended and the presenters were fantastic. Slowly but surely my job builds its awareness of this issue.


  1. juliebrock

    Love that you got this! I’ve been missing coming over to read – I’m a bad blogging friend 😦 I’m seeing the light from the end of the beginning of school (heh) so I will be around more often! Bring on Jamaica!


    1. Hey, Julie! So nice to find you in my comment section! You aren’t a bad blog friend, my friend. I, too, am still sunk under the start of the school year and haven’t been visiting anyone. Maybe I’ll make a quick circuit before I leave for JA!


  2. Thanks for thinking of me! I’ve been a pretty bad blogger lately, myself. (Or at least a bad blog citizen.) The sad thing is, blogging is really what I want to spend my time doing, and I miss it very much. But I have these other commitments, which are also important to me. Sigh.


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